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The webinar also brought HKEX speakers and other industry experts together to discuss the new elements / requirements of HKEX’s updated Corporate Governance Code, including those concern anti-corruption and whistleblowing policies, and how would culture, integrity and diversity play in building effective corporate governance.
For more details and playback of the webinar, please click here.

ESG Academy webinar: Corporate Governance in Focus
The Director of Corruption Prevention Mr Joe Lee delivered on 21 July 2022 a keynote speech at the above webinar of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX). The subject of Mr Lee’s speech was Anti-corruption and Ethical Business Culture – The Heart of Good Corporate Governance. Mr Lee shared the ICAC’s advice on anti-corruption and whistleblowing policies and systems, and his experience on how to foster an ethical business culture.The webinar also brought HKEX speakers and other industry experts together to discuss the new elements / requirements of HKEX’s updated Corporate Governance Code, including those concern anti-corruption and whistleblowing policies, and how would culture, integrity and diversity play in building effective corporate governance.
For more details and playback of the webinar, please click here.