
ICAC launches Banking Industry Integrity Charter with full support of HKMA and HKAB

The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), in collaboration with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and The Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB), launched the Banking Industry Integrity Charter (Integrity Charter) on 9 October 2024 to encourage the sector to implement an integrity management system and continue to enhance anti-corruption capabilities to sustain Hong Kong’s status as a clean international financial centre. The event was officiated by ICAC Commissioner, Mr Woo Ying-ming, Chief Executive of the HKMA, Mr Eddie Yue, and Chairperson of the HKAB, Ms Luanne Lim and attended by around 60 senior managerial personnel from 30 banks.
Through public-private partnership, the Integrity Charter aims to combat and prevent corruption proactively, assist banks to enhance their integrity management system, and continuously strengthen corruption prevention awareness and capabilities of banks. In accordance with the Integrity Charter, participating banks are required to promote a sound bank culture, establish a code of conduct, assign an integrity officer to assist in implementing good governance, provide integrity training to staff, as well as reporting suspected corruption, fraud and other illicit activities to the ICAC or other law enforcement agencies promptly.
The ICAC will provide comprehensive support to participating banks, including assisting them in formulating policies to promote an integrity culture, providing anti-corruption advice and integrity training to improve integrity management and anti-corruption capabilities.
Details of the Integrity Charter are available on the designated webpage.  
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“Integrity Management Award” for the Construction Industry

The Director of Corruption Prevention Mr Bryan Chong attended the Construction Industry Council (CIC) Outstanding Contractor Award 2024 Launching Ceremony on 6 March 2024, and introduced the “Integrity Management Award” jointly launched by the ICAC and CIC.  The purpose of the award is to enhance the integrity management of the construction industry and encourage stakeholders to carry out corruption prevention work.  A judging panel will select up to three major contractors with the best performance on integrity management to receive this honour.  The ICAC appeals to the construction industry stakeholders to join the Construction Industry Integrity Charter 2.0, build a road of integrity together with the ICAC under the theme of “Fighting Corruption: The Mission Continues”, so as to tell the good probity story of Hong Kong.

Participation guidelines of the CIC Outstanding Contractor Award 2024 and relevant information of the Integrity Management Award are available at 
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Commitment to Anti-corruption through Industry Collaboration

To promote integrity management and a probity culture in the construction industry, the ICAC has teamed up with the Development Bureau (DevB) and the Construction Industry Council (CIC) in launching the Building a Clean and Fair Construction Industry Through Collaboration Anti-Corruption Summit and Commitment to Action Agenda on 4 May 2023 at the CIC Zero Carbon Park at Kowloon Bay, which was attended in person by around 90 leaders, company directors, managerial staff and practitioners of the construction industry, while about 2,000 practitioners joined online.  

Mr Ricky Lai Wai-ki, the Assistant Director of Corruption Prevention, hosted a panel session on corruption prevention and integrity management in the construction industry during the summit.  Mr Lai and four panel speakers, Ir Tony Ho Ying-kit, the Principal Assistant Secretary (Works) of the DEVB, Ir Ricky Leung Wing-kee, the Executive Director, Engineering & Technology of Airport Authority Hong Kong, Mr Kwok Yim, the Chairman of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong and Sr Eddie Lam Kin-wing, the President of Hong Kong Construction Association, shared with participants their experiences in implementing the Integrity Management System, the benefits of joining the Construction Industry Integrity Charter 2.0 and ways to enhance the sector’s corruption prevention awareness.  They called on the industry to actively participate in the Charter and adopt the Integrity Management System by implementing integrity policies, integrity trainings and integrity risk management to enhance their capacity in resisting corruption.

For subscription guidelines and form regarding the Construction Industry Integrity Charter 2.0, and details of the IMS components, please visit to view the details.
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ICAC Hosts First Tailored High-level Professional Training Course for Senior Bank Managers

The ICAC has organised the “Professional Anti-Corruption Training in Banking Management” (the Course) on 30 and 31 March 2023, which was attended by representatives of over 30 locally licensed banks, including the note-issuing banks in Hong Kong.  As the first pilot project of the International Anti-corruption Academy, Hong Kong, to be set up by the ICAC, the Course was the first-ever high-level professional anti-corruption training programme in Hong Kong featuring real corruption case analysis.  Divided into three main themes: detecting corruption, corruption prevention and building and fostering an ethical culture in a bank, the Course promoted the ICAC’s three-pronged approach of enforcement, prevention and education in anti-corruption work in the banking sector and aimed at enhancing the professional standard of the banking industry, and establishing an even more transparent, cleaner and effective financial system in Hong Kong. 

The Course was supported by regulatory and financial advisory bodies of the banking sector, all of which have been the ICAC’s valued partners in promoting a probity culture.  Guest speakers included Executive Director (Banking Conduct) of Hong Kong Monetary Authority Mr Alan Au Yuk Lun and Head of Policy Research of the Financial Services Development Council Dr Rocky Tung Yat Ngok.  The ICAC also invited Legislative Council member Mr Ronick Chan Chun Ying, representing the Finance Functional Constituency, to officiate at the closing ceremony.  

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Launching Ceremony on Supporting Construction Industry Integrity Charter 2.0 for Repair, Maintenance, Alteration and Additional Work Trade

The Assistant Director of the Corruption Prevention Department (CPD) Mr Kenny Fok delivered a speech at Repair, Maintenance, Alteration and Additional (RMAA) Thematic Talks and Launching Ceremony on “Supporting Construction Industry Integrity Charter 2.0” organised by the Construction Industry Council on 31 March 2023.  This event aims to encourage construction companies and consultants in RMAA work trade to implement the Integrity Management System and join the Construction Industry Integrity Charter 2.0 to uphold and enhance the professionalism and integrity of the construction industry.  During the two-and-a-half-day event, information booth was also set up to introduce the Construction Industry Integrity Charter 2.0 and promote corruption prevention resources on building maintenance to the participants, and disseminate anti-corruption messages to the public through games.  
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