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Commitment to Anti-corruption through Industry Collaboration
To promote integrity management and a probity
culture in the construction industry, the ICAC has teamed up with the
Development Bureau (DevB) and the Construction Industry Council (CIC) in
launching the Building a Clean and Fair Construction Industry Through
Collaboration Anti-Corruption Summit and Commitment to Action Agenda on 4
May 2023 at
the CIC Zero Carbon Park at Kowloon Bay, which was attended in person by around 90 leaders, company directors, managerial staff
and practitioners of the construction industry, while about
2,000 practitioners joined online.
Mr Ricky Lai Wai-ki, the Assistant Director of
Corruption Prevention, hosted a panel session on corruption prevention and
integrity management in the construction industry during the summit. Mr Lai and four panel speakers, Ir
Tony Ho Ying-kit, the Principal Assistant Secretary (Works) of the DEVB, Ir
Ricky Leung Wing-kee, the Executive Director, Engineering & Technology of
Airport Authority Hong Kong, Mr Kwok Yim, the Chairman of the Association of
Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong and Sr Eddie Lam Kin-wing, the President of
Hong Kong Construction Association, shared with participants their experiences in
implementing the Integrity Management System, the benefits of joining the Construction
Industry Integrity Charter 2.0 and ways to enhance the sector’s corruption
prevention awareness. They called on the industry to actively participate
in the Charter and adopt the Integrity Management System by implementing
integrity policies, integrity trainings and integrity risk management to
enhance their capacity in resisting corruption.
For subscription guidelines and form regarding
the Construction Industry Integrity Charter 2.0, and details of the IMS
components, please visit https://cpas.icac.hk/EN/Info/TP_Library?cate_id=10025 to view the details.